*Please call LVCEA office or refer to Calander
LVCEA Board Meetings
Purpose of Meetings:
The primary reason for holding meetings is to allow the Board to make decisions. However, meetings also serve a range of other important functions, providing a forum where:
- Board members are regularly brought together to focus on their roles and responsibilities, identify problems and plan for the future.
- Ideas are shared and discussed and then discarded, improved or implemented.
- Tasks are allocated and reported on.
- Regular updates about relevant issues are provided.
- Members can get to know each other, professionally and personally
All LVCEA Members in good standing are welcome to join.

CLV-LVCEA Labor Management Meetings
*Please call LVCEA office for specific dates
Purpose of Meetings:
Meetings are to serve to accomplish specific goals between the LVCEA and Management on specific topics that cannot be handled by a simple phone call. The LVCEA Board is required to attend these meetings.
Due to the sensitive topics discussed at these meetings members are not permitted to attend.

City Council Meetings
*Please call LVCEA office for specific dates
Open to the Public

General Membership Meeting
*Please call LVCEA office for specific dates
Purpose of Meetings:
Meetings are to serve to accomplish specific goals between the LVCEA and Management on specific topics that cannot be handled by a simple phone call. The LVCEA Board is required to attend these meetings.