The Las Vegas City Employees’ Association is the recognized bargaining unit for Classified City Employees. The LVCEA is an independent Labor Organization run and operated by, and for, the Classified City Employees.
About the Las Vegas City Employees' Association
About Us
What is the LVCEA?

Advantages of The LVCEA by Not Being Part of a National Labor Org
The LVCEA can better tailor its programs and services for its members because it is 100% controlled by its members instead of being controlled by a national organization. Moreover, you can rest assured that all of your dues will go towards LVCEA programs and activities, thus ensuring that your dues will directly benefit you. Furthermore, there is a local office open four days per week with trained staff and legal counsel to assist you with any workplace problems and issues.
Enrollment Form
When Would I Become A Member In Good Standing?
Forward your completed Enrollment Form to the LVCEA Office through Inter-Office mail. It takes four pay periods (60 days) to be considered a Member In Good Standing eligible for all benefits except disciplinary representation (you must complete your initial qualifying period prior to being eligible for this service).

What we Do
What does the LVCEA do for its members?
The LVCEA represents the interest of its members through contract negotiations, grievance, and arbitration representation, and by working with the City of Las Vegas to help provide and maintain the best medical, dental, and vision benefits possible.
join the LVCEA
Why Should I Join The LVCEA?
Once you have become a member in good standing (four pay periods) you are eligible to attend General Membership Meetings, Contract Ratification Meetings, and any social type functions offered by the LVCEA (such as picnics) and members are entitled to various discount programs that are obtained by the LVCEA. Discount programs include Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Sea World, Movie Tickets, etc. A list of current discount programs is included in your packet. Upon completion of your initial qualifying period (normally 6 months), you will be eligible for representation with grievances and other areas as needed. Click on: New Membership Application and start being a voice in your future.

be kept up
How Am I Kept up to Speed on Association Events and Activities?
The LVCEA keeps its members informed of what is going on through newsletter articles, membership meetings, and department/division bulletin board postings!