Representing our members since 1950
The Las Vegas City Employees’ Association independently represents the interests of their members through contract negotiations, grievance, arbitration representation, and by striving to provide and maintain the best benefit package possible.
- 23 Days
- 13 Hours
- 40 Minutes
- 45 Seconds
Time left on existing contract
What does the LVCEA do for its members?
Contract NegotiationsAs the recognized bargaining agent for the city of Las Vegas classified employees, the LVCEA is responsible for negotiating wages and benefits of our members.
This amounts to a contract consisting of 34 articles governing all aspects of our employment. The current contract can be found here. If a situation arises where the contract is silent, we can look to the civil service rules for guidance. The civil service rules can be found here.
Grievance, and Arbitration RepresentationThe LVCEA represents its members throughout a range of disciplinary measures. The rules of progressive discipline are laid out in article 13 of our contract.
Grievances can also be non-disciplinary in nature. When a work rule or the contract has been violated, we have grievance procedure as set forth in article 12. If the LVCEA and city management are unable to find common ground we can utilize the arbitration process as also set forth in article 12.
Help Provide the Best Medical Benefits PossibleThe LVCEA is continuously working to bring the best medical benefits package to its members as possible. Medical benefits are laid out in article 19 of our contract.
We negotiate the cost and inclusiveness of these benefits every contract cycle. Beyond that we continue to search out and engage 3rd parties to find additional and alternative options that may be of value to our membership.
Get Involved!
Become a LVCEA Representative
LVCEA worksite reps are the Association’s leaders in workplaces across the City. They receive the latest information on the issues that directly impact our employees. They have the power to improve their workplaces by partnering with the LVCEA to ensure that their issues are heard.
About us
What is the LVCEA?
The Las Vegas City Employees’ Association is the recognized bargaining unit for Classified City Employees. The LVCEA is an independent Labor Organization run and operated by, and for, the Classified City Employees.
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